As we mentioned in our post, Rehearsing for the Recital Gig, we were invited invited to participate in Long & McQuade’s June recital for students because Scott is taking vocal lessons there. The day has finally arrived and we really enjoyed performing for the audience. Because this was an event to showcase the students, most of the audience members were students, parents and relatives of students, and friends and spouses of the band.
Below is a video of the song, If It Makes You Happy, by Sheryl Crow, performed by Frozen Echo. Below the video are some photos taken at the event as we set up and as we performed. Enjoy!
The Photos
The photos below show where the event took place, a few shots from our setup proccess, which took about an hour, and then our performance.

Long & McQuade in Kanata, where the Rectial Gig took place. Well, actually, it was in one of the studios of the Yoga Studio next door, called Beyond Yoga Studio & Wellness Centre.
The band begins setting up for the gig. We had an hour available to us to set up before the start of the show. Because it usually takes us an hour and a half to set up, we had to practice the setup to get it down to an hour, which is one reason we did the practice gig before this one. We were able to get it done just in time.

Ted sets up his electronic drums. We use acoustic drums in our practice studio but electronic drums for gigs. This reduces the amount of stuff we have to transport and sets up a lot faster.
Everyone has a job to do during setup. We have prepared lists of tasks to perform in specific orders, including bins with cables and spares. Kelly has the checklists to ensure everyone did what they were supposed to.

One of the biggest jobs is setting up our PA speakers. Here Scott’s wife, Joanne, and our multimedia assistant, Stella, wrangle a PA speaker to get it mounted on its stand. Stella is a key member during setup and she monitors the sound and cameras during the gig. She makes gigs a whole lot easier.
The setup is complete and now we relax before we start the gig. We’re in the foyer of the Yoga studio, which is decorated beautifully.

We’re on stage and Joe checks to see how much time we have left before the gig starts.
A Long & McQuade staff member opens the event and introduces the band.

Joe on stage and singing like there’s no tomorrow.
Kelly singing and Marc playing.

Joe playing the keyboard with Scott and Ted in the background.
Kelly and Marc are both singing while Marc plays his guitar.

Scott is singing backup while playing his four-string bass guitar.
Kelly is singing with a nice shot of Marc and Ted in the background.

Ted works his magic on the drums.
Joe and Scott singing and playing.

Ted is singing and playing. All of us can tell you that it’s one heck of a lot easier to sing without playing at the same time.
A nice side view of the band performing.

Kelly singing and Marc playing.
Kelly singing. We each have our own microphones.

Ted takes his playing very seriously, especially when he’s on stage.
A nice view of the audience from behind the band.

Scott playing his five-string bass guitar.
Joe singing and playing with Scott singing and playing in the background. Ted is also seen playing in this photograph.

Scott is playing his five-string bass guitar and singing harmonies.
Scott is playing his four-string bass guitar and looking at Ted. Bass players and drummers, making up the rhythm section of a band, work closely to provide a foundation for the rest of the band so communication is important. Besides, it’s just fun to be grooving well together!

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