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It is with sadness that we announce Ted has decided to retire from Frozen Echo. It’s a personal decision on Ted’s part and he remains a good friend of the band. We plan to get together monthly to continue the enjoyment of making music together.

Ted becomes the third member to retire from the band. The band got its start as members of the Ottawa League of Rock. We called ourselves Shades of Grey and created a website that records the history of that band. Karen retired from that band shortly after the League of Rock session ended. Rick then retired from Frozen Echo. Now, Ted has decided to retire.

Though we are, of course, sad to see Ted go, we will remain in touch and continue to play together monthly. We know it’s the right decision for him and we’re therefore happy for him.

Let the beat go on, Ted, and enjoy your retirement!

Note that this posting was published on October 9th, 2024.